Society of St. Vincent de Paul is always interested in globally-minded individuals, talented, with a passion for fashion. Society of St. Vincent de Paul Council of Los Angeles is seeking undergraduate and graduate students who are ready to learn, gain experience in the world of Product Development/ Visual Merchandising. Interns will assist the Operations team to re-design one of the largest thrift-stores located in Los Angeles. SVdPLA sells new, used, and vintage items. Items purchased and donated benefit local communities.
Internship Talent:
Eye for details
Ability to work in teams, and independently as well.
Positive attitude
Internship Details and Summary:
Day to day tasks will expose the intern to develop new ideas with creativity, attention to detail, and discover the process of sustainable fashion.
The intern will obtain the opportunity to:
Process management skills such as planning/organization
Develop a new visual design/layout for the store
Create a plan to support hands-on visual merchandising
Learn how to collaborate with other departments
Create initiatives to support fashion sustainability
Play with current trends and provide support for visual setups in the store conveying a new merchandising vision for the store
Benefits of Society of St. Vincent de Paul Visual Merchandising Internship:
Work in a positive environment
Learn about the process of the sustainable fashion industry
Develop skills and knowledge of Visual Merchandising
Letter of recommendation upon satisfactory completion of the internship
Interns can receive academic credit/ signed voluntary hours
Internship dates are approximately six months. The Visual Merchandising intern position has a valuable learning experience. This is a non-paid internship with flexible hours, coming in two times per week. Society of St. Vincent de Paul, Los Angeles can accommodate the need for college credit requirements.