Services are curtailed at this time due to COVID-19.
Please call 213.229.9971 to find out what is available.

Cardinal Manning Center (CMC)

The CMC operates a 65-bed Interim Housing (homeless shelter) Program in downtown Los Angeles’ Skid Row area that offers comprehensive services for adult men experiencing homelessness. The program is funded both by the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority (LAHSA) and the Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health (LACoDMH). Both funded programs utilize ‘Housing First’ and ‘Harm Reduction’ evidence-based approaches to help maximize the potential for clients to successfully transition from the streets and into permanent housing.

The CMC provides stable and secure interim housing, along with intensive case management, and supportive services aimed at addressing the individualized needs of clients, including permanent housing search and placement, medical, mental, and other healthcare needs; education; job training; and other specialized assistance.

The services at the CMC include:

LAHSA funded Interim Housing Program

This program provides up to an initial 90 days of interim housing and intensive case management services to homeless men. Additional time can be added based on the client’s needs and demonstrated progress. Each resident, in addition to receiving a safe and secure place to stay, with meals, and shower facilities, is provided with his own case manager skilled in helping identify and develop individually tailored case plans to address all their needs. These may include primary physical and/or mental health and substance use treatment, socialization, legal, education, job training and placement, benefits establishment, permanent housing search and placement, and other needs as identified by the client. The CMC staff works with an array of other community partners to collaboratively aid residents to obtain the services they need to make a meaningful and sustained positive change in their lives. Admission referrals are made through community partner agencies.

DMH funded Interim Housing Program

This program is reserved for clients that are engaged with and receive services through mental health programs in Los Angeles County. It provides all of the services included in our LAHSA IHP, along with ongoing coordination with the client’s assigned mental health program staff. There is no limit on the client’s program stay as long as they continue to engage in their mental health programming. Referral from the client’s mental health program is required for admission.

Day Center Drop-In Community Services

The CMC provides community, drop-in services offering support to individuals in meeting their basic daily needs. This includes resources information, and referrals and linkages to a multitude of supportive services. Our Drop-In Center also offers a rest area to provide sound respite from the streets, and services created to enhance an individual’s capacity toward positive change. These services include may include a light breakfast and sack lunches, access to telephone, computer services, restrooms, and drinking water, transportation assistance, DMV voucher issuance to obtain California ID at no fee, group activities, and referral information that support these areas:

  • Men and women’s issues;
  • Socialization;
  • Medical, mental health, and substance use treatment services;
  • Nutrition, and Food resources;
  • Benefits establishment, and food stamp resources;
  • Legal Assistance referrals: tenant/owner rights. immigration, etc.;
  • Financial literacy;
  • Transportation resources: Bus tokens and vouchers;
  • Computer skills training;
  • Personal development;
  • Seniors’ Bingo; and
  • Onsite outreach services by partner organization (Veterans outreach, employment, and other supportive services) are also provided as scheduled.

Volunteer Opportunities

We welcome those of you that wish to assist us in our mission to aid those in need by either donating to us to help finance our continued services, or through helping out by donating your time onsite. Please use the contact information below.

For more information about any of our services please contact us at 213-229-9971,
or email us at

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