SVDPLA Pathways offered by SVDP Los Angeles and the Pathways Committee
The Vincentian Pathway Program is designed to help all Vincentians journey to greater holiness through reflection, prayer, and discernment. This is a personal journey and a communal one in association with other Vincentians. It is with this in mind that this program is offered. Through a series of sessions, all members of the Society are invited to walk the Vincentian Pathway within their conference and through personal growth opportunities. The Conference Spiritual Advisor and President can utilize the following tools to promote the spiritual growth of their conference membership. These tools include opportunities to organize spiritual retreats, provide guidance on prayer and meditation, share inspirational readings or texts, facilitate discussions on spiritual topics, and foster a supportive and nurturing environment for the members’ spiritual journey towards greater holiness.
- Walking the Vincentian Pathway Training- Presenters Guide
- Walking the Vincentian Pathway Instructions Manual
- Volume 1 – The Year of the Seven Founders
Serving in Hope Modules
Serving in Hope Modules is an ongoing formation program for all members of the Society. It is also a program that can be used to mentor future new members into the spirituality and heritage of the Society. Serving in Hope can be used as a Session at a time during a Conference meeting, or combined for a Retreat Day. To obtain books or videos for your Conference use, please get in touch with your SVDPLA District Coordinator. You can purchase items directly from the SVDP National Material store at