Calm and Clean for Spring

Spring has sprung, and with it comes a sense of new beginnings, inspiration, and motivation to do the things we’ve been putting off for months. With the winter slumber melting away, now is a great time to revamp, deep clean, and organize the spaces throughout your home. This makes you feel better mentally and can…

The Blessing of Lent

“Excuse me sir, but you have a spot on your forehead.” “I know,” I said. “It’s Ash Wednesday.” The response came back immediately, “Oh, that’s right. Sorry, I forgot.” That little scenario has happened to me on a couple of occasions over time, hopefully reminding one more person of the need to “Repent and believe…

5 Things You Should Know About Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday is soon approaching on March 2,  marking the beginning of 2022’s Lenten season. It is one of the most attended masses of the year, with millions of Christians from all over the world receiving a holy black cross on their foreheads. Unless you know the meaning behind this religious ritual, it could be…

February, A Special Month

Can any other month of the year be crammed with more celebrations, commemorations or dedications than February? From my personal point of view, I would have to respond with a resounding, “No!” That’s because, for me, this is a month that includes three “you-better-not-forget” days, namely: my wedding anniversary, my daughter’s birthday and, of course,…

Affordable Valentine’s Day Gift Guide

  Cupid will be making his rounds in just a couple of weeks, with Valentine’s Day quickly approaching! We recommend arranging your plans early to avoid the holiday rush and surprise your special someone just the way you envisioned.  As far as holidays go, Valentine’s Day has a short life span and is one more…