50 Hobbies to Fight Caution Fatigue

Almost a year has passed since stay-at-home orders have been issued, and waiting patiently in the safely our homes is getting increasingly harder to do. At the beginning of the pandemic, schools, offices, parks, restaurants, and many things we love doing were made unavailable to us, but we did our part and stayed away in…

Two laptops sit beside each other while hands come into the frame holding a pencil.

Now Hiring: Program Coordinator

Cardinal Manning Center Program Coordinator St. Vincent de Paul of Los Angeles Department of Social Services HELP MAKE A DIFFERENCE IN OUR COMMUNITY!  Please join the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, Los Angeles (SVDPLA) in its mission to serve those in need. We currently have an opening for a full time, Program Coordinator position…

Feeding 400 Families for Christmas

St. Vincent De Paul of Los Angeles Provides Toys, Shoes, and 400 Meals to Struggling Families in time for Christmas   (Los Angeles, Calf.)– On Saturday, December 12, 2020, St. Vincent de Paul of Los Angeles, in collaboration with California Highway Patrol, Shoe Palace, Navidad En El Barrio, Inner-City Arts, and the Allen Lund Company…

Thank You, Hikers!

In mind-November we concluded our Hike4Kids Fundraiser to support Circle V Ranch Camp‘s 2021 summer program. It was a huge success! Thank you to all who hiked with us to make the summer camp experience accessible for all children. We might’ve hiked apart this year, but because of your overwhelming support, we can’t help but…