Black Americans & Homelessness

“In Los Angeles County, African Americans represent 7.9% of the population. In the latest homeless count, with double-digit city and county increases that are uniformly disappointing and disturbing, Black people make up 34% of the 66,000-plus total.” (Los Angeles Times). This homelessness statistic conducted by the LAHSA 2020 Homelessness Count, was finalized in January of…

St. Vincent de Paul Thrift Store storefront

SVdPLA Thrift Stores Reopen

Society of St. Vincent de Paul Los Angeles Thrift ​Stores Are Now Open To The Public LOS ANGELES (June 2, 2020)​ — Society of St. Vincent de Paul Los Angeles (SVDPLA) has announced the reopening of​ their thrift stores in both LA and Long Beach. With the health and safety of our employees, customers and…

Job Opening- Conference Coordinator

Description PURPOSE:  The main objective of the Conference Coordinator is to establish, support, and promote the Conference of Charity groups in parishes and centers, and assist with their activities as it pertains to each group’s parochial community.  The Coordinator provides supervision to ensure the nonprofit status of each Conference is maintained by ensuring annual filings and…

A Recipe for Holy Days at Home

This year, for many, Easter might have looked like a live stream Mass and a Zoom call with the family. Although the day was still special, it was strange.  COVID-19 and its effects have caused millions of Catholics to turn to online Masses and smaller Holy Day of Obligation celebrations at home instead of at…

Thank You for Donating!

As the Society of St. Vincent de Paul LA Cardinal Manning Center adapts to its new norm, we thank you for joining our efforts in serving our neighbors experiencing homelessness. Your kindness and generosity have enabled us to serve hot meals and provide hygiene kits to our community members as well as ensure the safety…