The Secret Behind Every Host With The Most

The holidays are officially underway. It’s the season of gathering with family, enjoying quality time with loved ones, and feasting over delicious traditional meals served only during the holidays. While a gathering is a beautiful memory for the whole family to keep, it can be an entirely different experience for the party’s host.    Hosting…

Your affordable go-to store for all things Halloween!

Pumpkins, spider webs, and witches have appeared across homes and stores all over, which means Spooky season is here! Did you know Halloween is the United States’ second-biggest commercial holiday behind Christmas? While ghosts, goblins, and ghouls may be frightening, what Americans spent on Halloween in 2021 may be even scarier. According to Yahoo Finance,…

A Grateful Farewell

The cabin door just closed on my flight home from the SVDP National Assembly in Baltimore, 2022, and I am writing this from seat 23D on Delta Flight 508. This Assembly will always remain memorable for me for a couple of reasons. After serving six years as your Board President, this has been my last SVDP…