David Garcia is New Executive Director of SVdPLA

Dear Vincentians, On behalf of the Board of Directors, I am pleased and proud to announce that, by unanimous vote, the Board has given David Garcia the full title of Executive Director with all its inherent authority. This demonstrates the confidence the Board has in David’s expertise and dedication to the Society.  The Board congratulates…

Westridge School for Girls Serves the CMC

Yesterday, April 29, 2019, students from Westridge School for Girls served dinner to the residents of our Skid Row homeless shelter, the Cardinal Manning Center (CMC). Thank you, Westridge, for serving those in need! If you or your organization would like to volunteer with St. Vincent de Paul, please contact Janet Perez at jperez@svdpla.org

LA5 Rotary at SVdPLA

  The LA5 Rotary Scholarship Committee returned to St. Vincent de Paul yesterday, April 29, 2019 to interview the students whose essays were carefully read and selected during the committee’s previous meeting here which took place last month, March 27. Good luck to all the applicants, and thank you to LA5 Rotary Club for providing…

Saved from the Streets

Michael got leukemia and lost his home and job. Doctors managed to save his life, but 62-year-old Michael had lost everything else. Michael said, “At first I was staying with my niece, then I was on the street, and then I went to the housing authority, and they gave me a bed for four nights.…

Arleen’s Last Day

On Wedensday, April 24, 2019, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul celebrated Arleen Sabado’s last day. Arleen has worked as an accountant with the Society for 15 years, and it will be hard to see her go. Thank you, Arleen for your years of hard work. Best wishes and good luck!